gagak dan kendi bahasa Inggris
- gagak: rook; corvus; ilovecrows; raven; crow; daw;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- kendi: jug; pitcher; urn; pitcherful; teapot; ewer;
- gagak dan ular: the crow and the snake
- rubah dan gagak: the fox and the crow (aesop)
- kendi: jug; pitcher; urn; pitcherful; teapot; ewer; water jug; jar; kettle; boiler
- penangkap burung dan burung gagak: the bird-catcher and the blackbird
- gagak: rook; corvus; ilovecrows; raven; crow; daw; corvus corax
- kendi madu: honey pot
- pulau kendi: kendi island
- tawon kendi: vespa affinis
- burung gagak: corbie; crow; raven; ravener; corvus; jackdaw; common raven; northern raven
- cenderawasih gagak: halmahera paradise-crow
- gagak (buruj): corvus (constellation)
- gagak banggai: banggai crow